Hi, I am Marco from Italy.
I am an R Developer and I am very passionate about learning and education.
I speak Italian, English and a little bit of French.

Here you can have a look at my Curriculum Vitae.

Professional Experience

I am a Data Scientist with 7 years working experience.

I started to work as Junior Data Scientist in 2017, in an Italian multinational tourism company, Uvet Global Business Travel, and its airline company Blue Panorama. There, I learnt a ton of things related to R and I had the opportunity to work with lot of different data related to business travel, pharmaceutical events, online bookings, hotels' reservations, and proprietary airline data.

In 2020, I started to work as a Data Scientist for T-Voice, a start-up company of the Triboo Group. There I worked as a Senior Consultant to develop client specific data analysis solutions.

Since 2021, following an M&A operation, I am working as a Senior Data Scientist and R Developer in Blogmeter, an Italian Social Network Monitoring company.

Moreover, since 2022 I am a PhD Researcher in Statistics at the University of Milano Bicocca.

The first project, on which I was involved during the years, was related to the development of an Optical Character Recognition pipeline allowing to automate several business processes (fines automatic reader, HR documents automatic compiler, and others). In that occasion I developed my first (business) R package and I learnt how to effectively work and manage a Unix RStudio Server, which I was also responsible for.

During the years, I performed opinion mining analyses through supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods. In particular, I managed the company’s text analysis platform. Then, I was the supervisor of the front-end and back-end activities on the same platform. Now, I am the coordinator of R&D activities to improve both customer and platform solutions.

Finally, throughout all my working experience I was responsible for the development of time series forecasting models, both for internal and clients needs. Since 2021 I am working on the development of a high-performance forecasting system that allows to quickly produce forecasts for thousands time series using many different approaches and algorithms.

Teaching Experience

Since 2019 I am Adjunct Professor at the University of Milan. I teach Statistics and Mathematical Methods in few Bachelor’s degree courses, and Time Series Forecasting, Statistical Learning and R Coding at the Master’s degree in Data Science.
Have a look at my teachings.

Moreover, during these years, I had also the opportunity to have lectures in other major Italian Universities, always related to Statistics & Data Science.

Since 2019 I am also teaching R Programming to business experts and I am studying to become an RStudio Certified R Trainer.

I really like teaching, indeed, since 2018 I have helped more than 200 students with their exams, thesis and PhD projects, through private lectures and support. I mainly teach econometrics, time series, forecasting, R programming, statistics and data science related topics.
I am ranked the first on Superprof Italia for Econometrics & Forecasting, and on the same platform I also offer lectures on Statistics & Mathematics, and Data Science & R Programming.


In 2021 I created my first public available R package.

Lorenzo Mazzucchelli and I worked for a year on various analysis related to the topic of behavioral finance and we noticed that no packages were available on CRAN to perform such kind of researches. Hence, we decided to develop the first R package allowing R users to perform several types of behavioral analysis.

The released version of the dispositionEffect package is available on CRAN.
The software has been presented at the useR!2021 Conference and it has been listed on the Top 40 New CRAN Packaes on August 2021.



Furthermore, together with Lorenzo, I am going to publish in 2022 two scientific researches related to the disposition effect on financial markets.


I studied in Italy and Finland, where I lived for six months and I had amazing experiences.



I graduated cum laude in a Master’s degree in Quantitative Finance at the University of Milan, with a thesis related to time series forecasting.

In 2018, while working, I got a second level Master in Data Science.

Since 2022, I am a PhD Researcher of Statistics at the University of Milano Bicocca.

I like studying, indeed, during the last five years I got many certifications related to Data Science & Forecasting. I am now studying Python to improve my programming skills and I got few certifications on the Google Cloud Platform.

Sports & Hobbies

I was a footballer. I played in Italian minor championships until 22. I also like reading manga, playing board games, curling and footgolf.

Since 2020, I practice kite surf, an amazing water-board sport, and whenever I can I go kite surfing all around the world.